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Green Game: Watson Cup

04.04.2024 | WEED veranstaltet zusammen mit dem Sportverein Polar Pinguin ein nachhaltiges Fußballturnier //18.05.2024 - Berlin, Vorarlberger Damm 33

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Fairplay für die Eine Welt

09.01.2024 | Digitales Multiplikator*innen Seminar zum Thema Sport, globale Lieferketten und Fairer Handel am 18.01.25 // 10-12 Uhr

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English WEED Ilisu Update Feb. 2006

19.02.2006: New Ilisu Update: The construction of the contentious Ilisu dam in Southeast Turkey is being pushed ahead!

The scandalous Ilisu dam project in Turkey is coming to a crucial stage. At the end of 2005, an updated environmental impact assessment and resettlement action plan were published by the consortium and applications for export credit insurance were filed in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. NGO analysis , which will be submitted to the ECAs on Feb. 20th, shows that the new documents are seriously flawed and the project is far from meeting the international standards it claims to observe. At the same time, local resistance is growing.

Zugehörige Dateien:
Weed-Ilisu-Update-Feb-English.Download (311 kb)
