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Veranstaltungen / Aktionen

Green Game: Watson Cup

04.04.2024 | WEED veranstaltet zusammen mit dem Sportverein Polar Pinguin ein nachhaltiges Fußballturnier //18.05.2024 - Berlin, Vorarlberger Damm 33

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Fairplay für die Eine Welt

09.01.2024 | Digitales Multiplikator*innen Seminar zum Thema Sport, globale Lieferketten und Fairer Handel am 18.01.25 // 10-12 Uhr

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Welcome to Weed's English Website!

WEED is committed to an ecologically sustainable, globally just and democratic world economic order. To achieve this, we need a fundamental economic and social transformation to stop the looming environmental and climate catastrophe, to ensure more global justice and to guarantee respect for human rights globally.

Politically, we focus on the special responsibility of Germany, the Global North and international economic actors for the unjust economic world order and global environmental destruction. We research and analyze the negative effects of the capitalist economy on people and the environment. We carry out educational and lobbying work in the social and political sphere, we organize activities and campaigns and bring analysis and demands for socio-ecological transformation to the public. In exchange with other civil society organizations and social movements from the Global South and North, we develop reform and transformation proposals that we introduce into political processes and debates to promote change. We also design educational offers to sensitize people for their political options for action.

Hintergrundinformationen zum Thema

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02.06.2021 >
E-mobility inspected - due diligence in the e-bike industry
E-mobility inspected - due diligence in the e-bike industry - English abstract of the report E-mobility inspected - due diligence in the e-bike industy. (Publikationen)
02.03.2020 > Civil society calls for transparency on the companies subjected to the European Union’s Regulation on the supply of 3TG minerals (Download Press Release Transparency EU Regulation.pdf ca. 297 Kb) - (Presse)
25.03.2019 >
Event: Hunger for Raw Materials: Government and Industry Approaches on Responsible Mining and their Effects on the Ground
Event: Hunger for Raw Materials: Government and Industry Approaches on Responsible Mining and their Effects on the Ground - (Meldungen)
20.12.2018 >
Report: At the Other End of the Supply Chain
Report: At the Other End of the Supply Chain - English summary of the study "Am anderen Ende der Lieferkette" including an overview on ICT brands’ approaches on responsible sourcing (Meldungen)
21.06.2018 > 6th conference on socially responsible procurement of IT products - Stuttgart, 21 & 22 June 2018 (Meldungen)
15.06.2018 > Event in Hamburg: Conflict minerals - Conflict minerals and supply chain responsibility of companies - The regulatory approaches of the EU, US and China and their impact (Meldungen)
22.05.2017 >
Symposium on socially responsible public procurement of ICT products
Symposium on socially responsible public procurement of ICT products - Mainz, May 22./23. 2017 (Meldungen)
16.05.2017 >
Event in Berlin: The struggle for workers' rights in the electronics industry
Event in Berlin: The struggle for workers' rights in the electronics industry - Berlin: Event with Fahmi Panimbang, labour activist and researcher at LIPS (Sedane Labor Resource Center), Indonesia (Meldungen)
15.03.2017 >
C20 Finance - Civil Society Recommendations to the G20
C20 Finance - Civil Society Recommendations to the G20 - This Policy Paper outlines the position of the "Civil 20" (C20) Working Group "Reform of the International Financial System", which brings together the views of many civil society organisations in the G20 process. WEED is co-chairing this group. (Meldungen)
14.02.2017 >
International Finance & G20 - Voices from the Global South
International Finance & G20 - Voices from the Global South - The report is based on some interventions made at an international civil society meeting in Berlin in December 2016. (Meldungen)