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Green Game: Watson Cup

04.04.2024 | Weed veranstaltet zusammen mit dem Sportverein Polar Pinguin ein nachhaltiges Fußballturnier //18.05.2024 - Berlin, Vorarlberger Damm 33

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Fairplay für die Eine Welt

09.01.2024 | Digitales Multiplikator*innen Seminar zum Thema Sport, globale Lieferketten und Fairer Handel am 18.01.25 // 10-12 Uhr

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ProcureITfair Round Table - Sustainable Procurement in Europe

08.10.2010: European Roundtable on "Sustainable Procurement in Europe - Challenges and Chances for Implementation" by ProcureITfair in Berlin


Am 8. Oktober organisiert Weltwirtschaft, Ökologie & Entwicklung - WEED im Rahmen des Europäischen Projekts ProcureITfair in Berlin einen Europäischen Roundtable zum Thema "Sozial-ökologische Beschaffung in Europa - Herausforderungen und Chancen bei der Implementierung".

In diesem Rahmen werden ExpertInnen, PraktikerInnen und Nichtregierungsorganisation aus ganz Europa in Berlin zusammentreffen, um einen Tag lang die Chance zu nutzen, aus europäischer Perspektive zwei aktuelle Themenblöcke zu diskutieren: Am Vormittag werden Möglichkeiten vorgestellt, das Mittel der Bieterklärung zu nutzen, um soziale Kriterien in der öffentlichen Beschaffung einfließen zu lassen. Ab dem Mittag wird der Leitfaden der Europäischen Kommission "Buying social. A Guide to taking account of social considerations in public procurement” diskutiert, der voraussichtlich Ende September erscheinen wird.

Darüber hinaus bietet der Roundtable den teilnehmenden PraktikerInnen und Organisationen die Möglichkeit, miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen und sich zu vernetzen.

Der Roundtable findet in englischer Sprache statt.

Anmeldung und weitere Informationen: Christoph Ernst, Tel: 030 275 94 405,

Provisional programme (registered participants will soon received an updated programme)

10:00 Reception

10:30 Bidder declaration as means to achieve sustainable procurement (Rike Krämer, University of Bremen, Germany) In public procurement companies are often asked for so-called bidder declarations by which they guarantee the compliance with certain standards. For this reason the German NGOs WEED and CIR have commissioned the lawyers Rike Krämer and Prof. Dr. Markus Krajewski to write a legal commentary on the potential of bidder declarations to include social criteria. Based on the result of the commentary, WEED and CIR have developed bidder declarations focusing on social standards for the product groups of computers and clothes.

11:30 Commentaries on experiences from other countries with the inclusion of social criteria in bidder declarations (TBA)

11:45 Open discussion

13:00 Lunch break

14:30 Analysis of the European Commission guide "Buying social. A Guide to taking account of social considerations in public procurement” (Ramon Vives, Setem, Spain and Ignasi Manrubia, legal expert, Spain) It is highly probable that the guide of the European Commission will be published by the end of September. The guide will be central as many public purchasers will orient their procurement practice on it. Ramon Vives from Catalan NGO Setem and Ignasi Manrubia have worked extensively on this subject and will provide an informed critical appraisal of the probable outcome of the writing process of the Guide. If the guide is published until the 8 October they will present a first hand analysis of the document.

15:30 Commentary on possible strategies in dealing with the guide (Tim Steinweg, SOMO, Netherlands) In early September the Fair Trade Advocacy Group and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) have hosted a meeting in Brussel that dealt with the EC Guide. Tim Steinweg from the Dutch NGO SOMO will report which possible reactions from civil society to the guide have been discussed there.

15:45 Commentaries on different national perspectives on the use and meaning of the guide for public procurement (TBA)

16:00 Open discussion

17:00 End

Venue: The Roundtable will take place at the Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Greifswalder Str. 4, 10405 Berlin. (close to Alexanderplatz)

Das vollständige Programm gibt es als PDF hier